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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: Sin Eater

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

My very first book review on the blog!

I am very excited to share my latest read with you and hope you up with her all over the internet. So here it goes. Please be aware, that there may be some spoilers so read with caution.

Sin Eater by Amanda Denham is a New Adult story of redemption. The story follows Jayde, a young 20 something-year-old wanderer whose bubbly outgoing high school life was cut short when she accidentally erased her best friends memories.

That's right, Jayde has the ability to erase peoples memories, she is known as a Sin Eater.

With a mysterious fellow named Jak, they travel across the country helping people forget what they wish they always could. Jayde feels this work is her redemption for wiping her best friends slate clean, erasing all the happy memories they/ve shared together.

But the work of hearing people's darkest, most painful memories before she burns them away is starting to take a tole on her. It isn't until she meets two incredibly close siblings, Aiden and Amber, that she finally allows herself heal.

Sin Eater is a perfect example of how the past can follow us with every forward step. Jayde is a character molded by circumstance, letting the past define her future. Her story is relatable,

the situations mirroring that of most young adults breaking out of the shadow of high school. It was wonderful to see her true colors flash into view whenever her days seemed lifeless.

The story itself was written with that young voice in mind. Though some parts

fell in the range of predictable and sometimes unnecessary, Denham did an amazing job in character growth, showing real care in crafting such a great story of redemption. I would highly recommend this book for all the young adult readers out there and anyone who is struggling to overcome their past.


You can pick up Sin Eater on Amazon or wherever books are sold. Don't forget to follow the author on her social media channels. Tell her D. Ally sent you .

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