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Spirits n' Chai
a winter novella

Just a short nine months ago, Raina found her voice, walked away from the ruins of her old life, and established herself on her own terms. She's no longer invisible; a day she never thought would come. But embracing this new found identity is easier said than done, especially when she finds a ghostly spirit outside her apartment window one cold winter night. She shouldn’t get involved and disrupt her auto-pilot life, but when this lost spirit in search of closure asks for help from the only person who can, what else can she do? 


However, coming to the aid of a ghost is proving dangerous and Raina has to find the courage to either face the nightmares of her past or remain haunted by the shadows of it forever.


Kisses & Stones

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A Playlist Kinda Love Story: Book 1

Eighteen-year-old Peter Landon acts on a whim and breaks up a physical altercation between Ashley and her abusive boyfriend, Westley.

But defending the most notorious bad girl in high school comes with consequences. 


With Westley’s promise of revenge and school giving him hell, Pete is desperate to keep his distance from Ashley. However, Ashley’s newfound interest in him comes with extreme temptation. A temptation Pete’s long-time girlfriend is quickly catching onto.


Pete needs to decide which risks he’s willing to take if the lines of what he expects for his future and what he wants have any chance of coming together.


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