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A Life in Few Words

D. Allyson Howlett hasn't always wanted to be a writer. She wanted to be a veterinarian, a ventriloquist, a paleontologist, an ASL teacher, and a slew of other professions that just didn't seem to work out.


Born and raised in the crowded suburbs of Long Island, NY, one thing she never lacked was imagination. Writing screenplays and filming movies with her dad's video camera was her passion and, once college came around, her career.

But life doesn't always work out the way we plan it to. All it took was one book about dragons to create the dream of becoming a published writer.


D. Allyson Howlett lives in a New England farm town with her husband, two boys, four house pets and six crazy cluckers. She loves to be outdoors, is an avid fan of all things 80's and enjoys pizza and ice cream Friday's with her family.


You can find her most days doting on her chickens, watching pro-wrestling with her boys, or at her computer with a new book idea.

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