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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: Legacy

The final installment in the Starlatten series by young adult author Darby Cupid.

I finally dove into book three of the Starlatten series by my friend and fellow author, Darby Cupid.

The book follows Crystal, Jaik and Dylan in their final attempt to rid themselves, and the planets they protect/align with, of a terrible threat.

Cupid did not disappoint...

While this was not my favorite of the three books, Cupid does know how to tell a story. Everything felt threatened; friendships, love, peace, and intergalactic trust amongst races. There were a few curve balls, some I was expecting, but some that came straight out of left field. There were points that I didn't know if they would succeed because failure just a hairs breath from collapsing everything that was built between the entire trilogy. I could not put the book down in spots, reading 6+ chapters at a time (that's a lot for me, so don't judge 😊).

Overall, I would give this book...


Cupid delivers again with the conclusion of Crystal, Dylan and Jaik's journey. It was filled with ups and down, dangers unexpected and twists that rendered multiple double takes. I could not be happier with how this series ended. Kudos to Cupid for an amazing YA scifi adventure that was spicy and sugarcoated and sprinkled with so much wholesome goodness, I wish I could order seconds.

You can find this amazing book in the links below. Happy reading!


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