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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: War in the Fallows

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

An epic fantasy wrought with power, deceit and war. By Jahmil and Jahmar Effend.

I didn't know that this was the fantasy book I have been waiting for. It's been a long time since I read anything remotely fantasy. But when I had the chance to chat with author Jahmil Effend about his book, I knew I had to give it a read. I was not disappointed!

The book follows the perspectives of three reigning kings. Each king is unique and faced with their own string of challenges, not only as rulers, but as human beings.

but it's not all about the kings...

One thing this book has is exceptionally strong side characters. I found myself loving the secondary characters more than the mains (all except one). Some were shrewd, some were loyal, some were conniving and willing to betray. There was someone for everyone. Not that the main characters fell short in anyway, but their rolls were supported and carried by so many great names and faces I kept you wanting to turn the page. And the fighting. Did I mention war both on the field and in those hidden rooms tucked away inside the castle where prying eyes can never stray.

Overall, I would give this book...


If I could have dedicated all my time and effort to reading this book, I would have. The Effend brothers did a stellar job in piecing together a world that is beautiful and terrible all at once. The characters perspectives were fresh and relatable, finding a little bit of myself in their struggles and tribulations. I loved that the history, values and beliefs were never dumped on the reader, but evenly spread throughout. Amazing x1,000!!! The ending left me furious and scared, the tension hanging by a thread. Could not have been a better read.

You can find this amazing book in the links below. Happy reading!

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