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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

What This is All About

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

This is my FIRST POST for my NEW WEBSITE

(omgoodness 😬).

As an aspiring writer/entrepreneur/freelancer/blogger, I have had a number or websites (and still have) before. Now that I am actively moving forward in self-publishing my first YA novel, I felt it w

as important to once again, create an author page where other writers or interested readers could connect with me on a more personal level.

So here we are! The start of something BIG.



Okay, enough of the chit chat, you may be wondering who the heck I am and why should you care about me and my journey to publication. I am glad you asked! For as far back as my memory would allow, I have always been a writer or creator. From comic book drawings to screenplays, I would write about anything and everything. It wasn't until I reached college, that I realized that my writing could be more than just for me, but for others to enjoy as well. With a degree in Film/Television, I wrote countless screenplays, some of which became college films for my institution. After I graduated, I started to pour my ideas for on-screen features into stories, badly formatted stories, but stories none-the-less. That started back in 2012, and now that I have been writing for almost 10 years, my skills have improved dramatically. I am not the same writer I was then or yesterday for that matter. On the eve of my first step into self-publishing, I wanted to make sure I had somewhere to both document my journey, my success, and what I learned along the way while still sharing my work with the world. So buckle up, and let's get to it! I am so excited to share my experiences with you 😊❤️

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