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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Nerves & Chapter Giveaway

Editing is coming along great! With the feedback I have been getting form my beta's, I am super confident this will be the best (and maybe last) re-write I have done so far!

Even so, it's so hard to put yourself out there as a newbie author.

The nerves have been shaking with every single step forward. As I get closer and closer to the February release date, it's only gonna get worse! How do I prepare for what's to come?

Best answer I have... just do it!

Life is full of risks. Some are worth taking and some aren't. Usually we don't know which are until after we have already done them. I have no idea if this first book will grab any readers, if anyone will even bother to read it or like it. It scares me to think that, but it also makes me want to do things better at the same time.

Everything you do in life is a learning experience.

I don't want to say failure, because it's not a failure if you learn something. A failure is when you do something, not getting the results you want, and dropping it forever. It's taking a chance and squandering it right out of the starting gate.

So, let's take a little lesson in this for today's big step into the murky waters of my experiences I have yet to learn from.

You can now read the first chapter of my upcoming book, Kisses & Stones, for FREE!

All you have to do is sign up for my swanky, retro newsletter and the download is yours! Available as a PDF, EPUB or MOBI, dive into my story and (seriously) give me your first impressions!

My tribe & my readers are my author life-blood. I will never know what to do better if you don't tell me! This first chapter is, not only a window into my debut novel, but a chance for me to learn.

So read the blurb and decide if you'd like to give this little YA novel a chance:

Eighteen-year old Peter Landon acts on a whim and breaks up a physical altercation between Ashley and her abusive boyfriend, Westley. But, defending the most notorious bad girl in high school comes with consequences.

With Westley's promise of revenge and school giving him hell, Pete is desperate to keep his distance from Ashley. However, Ashley's newfound interest in him comes with extreme temptation. A temptation Pete's long-time girlfriend is quickly catching onto.

Pete needs to decide which risks he's willing to take if the lines of what he expects for his future and what he wants have any chance at coming together.

Now, fill out the form below and grab your chapter (if you want to that is 😊)

Happy writing & stay classy!

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