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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Goodbye June, Hello Summer ☀️

Another month has gone by and what a month! So much is progressing with my self-publishing journey and I feel more confident everyday in getting this book published by 2022.

This is what went down in June:

- rebranded by instagram

- New website

- piecing together to launch my mailing list

- received my draft from my editor and got it out to betas

- read 2 novels and 1 beta read

- launched my podcast

- title reveal of my YA novel

Wow! It looks like a lot when I write it down! I always feel like I am behind on things, but this humbles me, knowing everything I was able to do within 30 days. I've also participated in the Book Launch in a Box Marketing class this past month. I haven't gone through all the lessons yet, only because I am not that far in my journey yet. But I have lifetime access, so when I get there, the information will be waiting for me.

July is gearing up to be a busy one as well:

- launch mailing list incentives

- character intros and book updates on IG

- edit Kisses & Stones (round 8)

- character swag commission

- publish 3 more podcast episodes

- read 2 more books, beta 2 drafts

That is a tall plate!

I am also looking into the best way to format my book. I am leaning towards doing it myself, and looking into some formatting tools that could help me do that. Also, looking into copywriting and if purchasing ones is worth the $$ or jut stick with KDP limited copy-write until I have more books out.

Decisions, decisions! I also want to be outside more and enjoy summer as much as humanly possible before the weather gets colder.

What are your writing goals for July? Or your goals in general?

Until next time, stay classy writers.

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J.D. Estrada Writer
J.D. Estrada Writer
Jul 02, 2021

I think it’s normal to feel like we’re behind when we have to-do lists that are as crazy as they probably are lol. Curious to hear your thoughts on book launch course. And July is definitely a cray cray month but here’s to pushing ourselves to what matters!

My writing goals:

Getting Twenty Twenty beta read

Finish Veinte Veinte translation

Progress 2 non-fiction works significantly

Work on poetry collection (as in REALLY push it)

Short stories galore

Today will be doing sprints so wish me luck ;)

Also organizing two live shows on the Go Indie Now channel for later on, will record videos for BookTube/AuthorTube, and want to work on lyrics for 3 songs

Godspeed and write on

J.D. Estrada Writer
J.D. Estrada Writer
Jul 03, 2021
Replying to

and you go, Madame. I doubt I could look good in a cheerleader outfit, pigtails, and pom poms, but hey, you do what you gotta do to support :D

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