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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: Rewera Rising (Devil Within)

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Another book review for you, and this one is a doozy!

One of my very good IG writer friends published this book this past June 2021 and I was very much anticipating the read. I try not to give a way spoilers, so apologies if I slip up.

Rewera Rising by Daria M Paus is an Adult story of demons, literally. It is a fantastic look into one of the most complex characters I have had the joy of reading. Darek Rewera came from an abusive and unwanted childhood before literally sprouting wings, horns and the strength of a thousand men. With this newfound power coursing through his veins, he vowed to put an end to the torture the human race had put him through for so many years.

Because honestly, what could stop the devil?

It’s not until he crashes into Mila, a dog loving brunette with a sweet soul, that his world begins to spiral. The need to be with her overpowers him and he becomes both a victim and the punisher of his own inner turmoil. Mila sees the good in him, but is he really able to change and be the man she see’s him to be?

Daria M. Paus does a fantastic job creating tension and anticipation, so much so I was falling off my seat half the time! Darek is the most conflicted personae I have yet to encounter in fiction, especially when you throw the prospect of love into his life, something I am sure he never thought he would ever need. The story started off strong and I had the desire to read until my eyes bled. The tension and conflict between both Darek and Mila was so incredibly strong, it pulled me in with every turn of the page.

As the story progressed, the tension I was feeding off of did not hold up. The beginning constantly goes back and forth between both Darek and Mila’s POV, but about halfway through, it focuses mostly on Darek and not on Mila. I found myself wondering what she was doing, feeling and thinking more often than not. I was waiting for the POV to change before too much time passed within the story. There were huge gaps in time where Mila’s perspective was not involved at all. I found myself wanting more from her, and not just what she felt and thought when Darek was with her.

I guess you could say I felt more connected to Mila and wanted to know how she handled and reacted to what had befallen her and (not to give anything away) HOW CERTAIN THINGS HAPPENED! I didn’t want her to just tell us after the fact, but to be in the moment with her, especially those times Darek was not physically present for.


This story of a devil with a soul would have gotten 5 stars from me, hands down. But omitting so much potential with Mila was too major for me to let slide.

Aside from that being my only peeve with this story, this was a great read. If you like high tension romance, scenes that just leave you wanting more, and anything to do with very emotionally complex characters (that just happen to be the devil), this is a book you’ll want to pick up.

Check out more about the author and don't forget to pick up the book!

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