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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: Rebel

I finally got to book 2 of this amazing series, and holy starships!

This book has been on my kindle shelf for some time and I finally got to it! Hang on to your helmets readers, it's that good!

Rebel by Darby Cupid is the second installment of the Starlatten Trilogy. It takes place about a year after the events from book one, Crystal.

I enjoyed this book WAY more than the first.

Darby is one of those writers I can never get enough of. This book adds that note of sci-fi that I was anticipating from the first. New planets, technologies and races to discover, the characters carry over in the anguish of so much change and realization. Darby is a master at her craft, etching the responsibilities of planetary rule thread for thread, weaving a tale of love, loss, redemption, discovery, and treachery.

I loved seeing the new words, discovering more about the history and picturing the magnificence of it page by page. The characters follow their distinct paths that intersect at the most inopportune moments, but still allowing that frail hope to linger and new directions to be taken.


Hands down, this gets 5 stars from me. I am very much anticipating the final installment of the trilogy, clinging on to the hope that one of the characters will turn on their promises (bc I think they will and I hope I'm not wrong). Starships, planetary war, teen angst, and true love, what more could you ask for?

Check out more about the author and don't forget to pick up the book!

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