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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Book Review: Love is a Mixtape

my first traditionally published read in a LONG TIME!

I have been making it a point to only read indie and self-published authors this year, but the title of this book... I could not resist! Not only that, it's non-fiction (what am I about to do) which is way out of left field for me. But I promise... it was worth it!

Love is a Mixtape by Rob Sheffield is a non-fiction tale of the authors early life in love, loss and the songs in between. This little gem is a book well worth picking up, if you A) you like to read beautifully, tragic love stories and B) have a deep love and passion for decades of music.

The combination of words and tunes defines each and every moment of this book.

Marrying Sheffield's life experiences with the music of his generation, and the generations after his youth, give this book a new, refreshing life all its own.

I felt every joy and disappointment, every moment of tragedy and bliss. Reading this book felt deeper than anything I have read in a long time. Maybe because I know it really happened or maybe because music was such a defining element in his life, like it is in mine.

I must have highlighted and left a zillion notes throughout this book, planning to revisit moments in the pages as they pertain to moments in my own life. Towards the end, it was truly awe-inspiring. The decades of life Sheffield narrates between the pages come together in a way only the sound of a finished mixtape can mimic. I wanted to turn it over so many times to revisit the songs that meant more when paired with the many stages of personal growth.


If you love non-fiction and love music, this is a great read. I highly recommend it to anyone who is in need of a dose of inspiration in the realms of love, loss and all the music that weaves our lives together.

Check out more about the author and don't forget to pick up the book!

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