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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

Beta Readers Wanted

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

I am looking for beta readers!

My YA contemporary coming-of-age / romance is ready for a second round of eyes. Round 6 of editing is just about complete and it is incredible how much this story has changed. I am looking for 4-5 willing readers to give me some feedback on the story structure, flow, character development and then some!

Here is the blurb for you to get a better idea of what it's all about:


Eighteen-year old Peter Landon acts on a whim and breaks up a physical altercation between Ashley and her abusive boyfriend, Westley. But, defending the most notorious bad girl in high school comes with consequences.

With Westley's promise of revenge and school giving him hell, Pete is desperate to keep his distance from Ashley. However, Ashley's newfound interest in him comes with extreme temptation. A temptation Pete's long-time girlfriend is quickly catching onto.

Pete needs to decide which risks he's willing to take if the lines of what he expects for his future and what he wants have any chance at coming together.


Any and all interested parties, please contact me via Instagram or email me at ! I am looking to send this out to readers between Weds. 6/16 -Friday 6/18.

Current word count is about 52k words. Turn around time is between Weds. 7/7 - Friday 7/9. A list of questions will be provided to everyone who participates AND a physical paperback copy will be sent to you door come release date in February 2022 😊

Please and thank you to anyone that reaches out!

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