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  • Writer's pictureD. Allyson Howlett

3, 2, 1 Podcast

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

This month is bringing on a LOT of changes for me.

I chatted with an amazing book coach mid-May and she gave me some excellent advice to start pushing myself out into the world to prepare for my very first self-published book. These are things I always knew about but, never thought to implement right away. But it’s never too early to start, especially when you need to set a deadline and make EVERYTHING happen in between now and then. So here are a few things I have done: Rebranding – D. Allyson Howlett has been rebranded. I hooked my IG and FB profiles and rebranded my blog to reflect me, the author, and nothing else. With that rebrand, comes fresh new website, color pallets, new images to use for social media and, best of all…

⭐️ A PODCAST! ⭐️

Yes, I started a podcast. This is my outlet to talk about everything I have learned (and then some) on my self-publishing journey. I will also have guests on once a month, to talk about their experiences, struggles and best advice to encourage and inspire writers/authors everywhere.

First episode is already up and look for a new one next week as well!

If you are interested in being a guest, drop me a line here (email) and give me a little information about you, where you are in your author journey and why you would like to be on the podcast. This podcast is not for promotion, I am really focusing on the journey’s of writers/authors and what they’ve learned along the way. Of course, all your social media, books and the like can be plugged in at the end, but it is not the focus of this podcast. Setting a Deadline – I have already set deadlines for each stage of my draft, but not when I was actually going to publish my book! So it set it, February 2022. That is when this lovely YA coming-of-age love story will hit the e-book shelves. I am both afraid and excited to have this be my concrete date. There is still so much to do! Book Launch/Marketing Prep – I am doubly preparing for how I will launch my book. This is the biggest, scariest part of this entire process, but luckily, I found some amazing resources and classes to help me along the way. Book Launch in a Box – my saving grace of how to launch a book. Money well spent in my opinion, Alexa from Write, Publish, Sell is an amazing teacher and I cannot wait to dive into this month long launching workshop to learn how to make my very first book launch an abundant success. David Gaughran’s Starting from Zero Course – A FREE Book Marketing course? Who’d a thunk? I have already been blown away by David’s book Let’s Get Digital which takes you through the steps on what to do with your draft BEFORE it’s complete and ready to be marketed. So, it was a no brainer for me to sign up for this course as well. And did I mention it’s free?

Phew. That’s more than enough for this month I think.

I hope continue to stay with me throughout this journey.

Thanks so much writers and stay classy.😉

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